
Sparring & Implementation Partner 

As leadership & change coach Doris Kappe supports self management & transformation processes. It’s about finding the decisive personal and organizational success levers, utilize leadership potenzial and implement transformation successfully.

Professional experience

Steering and implementation of (global) change projects, set-up and management of business areas and providing executive coaching.

17 years of cooperation with Malik Management Center St. Gallen

While based in Brussels, Doris Kappe developed and performed worldwide management training for Siemens AG. As a manager in the organizational development department of BSH Hausgeräte GmbH she was responsible for the implementation of change projects. As a partner of Fredmund Malik’s Management Center St. Gallen she built up the competence and business field ‘change management’. She worked as a lecturer at the University of Hamburg for more than six years and, she is now a certified executive coach for international industrial companies with experience in strategy-driven steering of management teams. Six years she stayed abroad, working and living in Belgium and Switzerland.

Highly effective consulting approach for profound and lasting change.

The integrated development approach combines strategic, behavioral and structural levers that lead to profound success. Dr. Kappe Integriertes Change Management® | Dr. Kappe Integriertes Change Coaching®

Author of five books

Personal Leadership – Die Wirksamkeit als Führungskraft stärken und das ganze Potenzial nutzen  Springer Gabler Verlag | ISBN 978-3-658-35526-5 | e-Book ISBN 978-3-658-35527-2

The book offers a deep insight into the topic of self leadership. It gives answers to questions like: How do I deal with the new challenges? How do I stay focused, relaxed and in my full power? How do I utilize my leadership potenzial?  The author shows why personal leadership is the basis of lasting success and sustainable organizational development. A successfull leader starts with his/her own person and shows strengths in developing people, teams and the organization. The leader lives up to attitudes and values which are necessary to create a successfull business future. Based on specific coaching-examples the author gives valuable impulses to ensure lasting development as a leader and as a person.

High Performance Leader – Lasting success on the top level

highperformanceCompanies striving for success at today’s time need new leading personalities. Such leaders have to be social architects who are ready to create something new, foster innovation, unleash forces and at the same time keep the operational business on track. High performance leaders create working structures and cultures, which enables employees to add their intelligence and creativity. The decisive key competence of high performers nowadays is effective self-leadership. It means taking control of one’s own mental state, adjusting one’s thinking and even feeling and developing a confident way of living and working. Based on this, a leader’s effectiveness will increase considerably.

High Performance Leader – Lasting Success on a Top Level | 2016 | Springer Verlag | ISBN 978-3-658-09018-0

Integrated Change Management – The decisive levers for change

changemanagementMore companies than ever are confronted with necessary changes at the beginning of the third millennium. There are two underlying factors: on the one hand, globalization of markets, increasing competition and new technologies require creative and flexible entrepreneurial strategies. On the other hand, companies are confronted with social trends such as the expectation of more self-determination, participation and individual self-development. However, not only the economic environment and society are changing; there is also an increased integration of individuals and systems. Therefore, this book aims at offering a guideline, a basic structure and procedures to navigate and control new and uncertain environments.

Integrated Change Management – The Decisive Levers for Change | 2010 | Hampp | ISBN 978-3-86618-452-7

Strategy-Aligned Behavior – The success factor of companies

strategieorientiertBehavior that focuses consistently on customer needs is a major survival skill for companies. Based on specific examples, the book describes how to implement strategies and to achieve targets, inter alia by means of working on the behavioral patterns that determine companies’ effectiveness and output.

Strategy-Aligned Behavior – The Success Factor of Companies | 2007 | Expert Verlag | ISBN 978-3-8169-2564-4


Conflict resolution and culture-specific conflict behavior

konfliktbewaeltigungThe book describes a developed de-escalation concept and solution-oriented conflict regulation procedure. In addition, it includes a case study that proves culture-specific conflict resolution strategies of different cultural contexts.

Conflict Resolution and Culture-Specific Conflict Behavior | 1996 | Springer | ISBN 3-8244-4194-2 |

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